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Dreamy Venice and La Gondola Providence a Good Match!

Dreamy Venice is so honored to be partnering with La Gondola Providence! Two Rhode Island companies join business visions inspired in Venice, Italy to create a magical local experience for you.

Stealing this description of the La Gondola operation from its website, “Owner Matthew “Marcello” Haynes has been at the helm of the company since 2007, and has transformed the enterprise into one of the most recognized and beloved attractions in Providence. His unwavering focus on customer service and the value of each individual’s experience on board the gondolas has resulted in both local and national recognition, including a 5-star rating on TripAdvisor. “

A Waterfire evening in Providence with La Gondola, photo credit John Simonetti

Painstaking care has been the hallmark of Marcello’s business model, from customer service to his beautiful gondolas. An authentic experience along the Providence River with its lovely bridges and stunning lighting will transport you to a Venetian lagoon without boarding the plane to Europe. Now mix in live Italian serenades and you are transported, literally.

Peruse the Dreamy Venice offerings from Venice, Italy. A Murano glass creation can top off the experience. Order online from the La Gondola website or go the site itself. Do you want your gift delivered the evening or day of your La Gondola experience? Contact us at 401-499-5575 or use the contact form below to arrange a delivery for your reservation time. Order online for a surprise delivery to the gondola or a delivery to your desired location. A few days lead time is perfect.

The La Gondola landing is located at the Cafe Nuovo’s outdoor dining area in downtown Providence, RI. So…a distinctive Italian meal, a gondola ride and a piece of Venetian artistry from Dreamy Venice will flavor your summer as memorable, sumptuous, molto italiano!

Night Sky Venetian Glass Pendant
Venice Night Sky Pendant

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Links We Like (a lot)

print ad for Dreamy Venice Authentic Murano Jewelry

Our Mission Calls

Summer is nearing its inevitable end.  Slightly anesthetized by its heat and languid days, I wonder how off course I am from my summer goals.  Hmmmm. (Though my favorite goal would be to lie on a beach any afternoon of the week, that will not achieve my end.)  So, am I totally off course after a hot summer spell or somewhat closer to the mark?  We are working on the most critical element in growing currently –  it is connecting and it is the hardest!  This season we will be doing more connecting with supportive businesses in our community. As we get more and more of a sense of how we can offer our product in terms of fashion, art and services, we will be reaching out to more of our business and non-profit communities.  We have a magical product – very colorful, fun and sexy. We will  interface with as many new environments as we can to demonstrate the many dimensions of Dreamy Venice.  Our latest additions of new environments is Studio 460 Gallery and The Pink Parasol Boutique in Wickford, Rhode Island.  See their links below and pay them a visit.

Our Linkers

In that pursuit, we are happy to announce our new website page, Links We Like. promoting in our small way a number of  businesses which have been encouraging or collaborating with Dreamy Venice efforts in moving forward.  And if you do have a business and want to connect, we would love to hear from you. We are aiming to reach many different types of industries to expand our reach – BIG summer goal, so whatever your industry is, connecting digitally or face to face is totally invited. Use the contact form to reach us –  we invite your ideas, suggestions, questions, comments. Do you have an idea for a collaboration, a private sale, a sale for your charity, a speaker about the ancient Venetian glass industry, fashion jewelry in general or touring Venice for your group? Let us know!

Larisa DesignsPink Parasol BoutiqueGallery ZDiamonds in the LibraryStudio 460 GalleryProvidence MonthlyAlignable yulijik talamuir nuance Sugarloaf Ski Club

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If the Murano Niche Fits, Wear It

On a long journey to creating my brand, Dreamy Venice, I try not to lose sight of my original vision.  The vision was not solely based on the volume of sales, but based on the power of the very remarkable creation of Venetian Glass, the Murano niche.  Of course, we are working on growing great numbers because we are a business.  But how are our numbers different?  We believe in the 1000 year strong development of a particular industry.   An undeniably dramatic creative and historical past gives us a special product.   And for those who look at special properties, we are sure this one speaks to them.  You have lots of accessory choices out there, even those promising spiritual or healing  powers. We can promise the healing powers of a unique, detailed product, perfected over centuries; its special qualities shine through and are unmistakably healing in their own way.

As a study abroad student in Italy, many decades ago, I recall this color combination of gold and turquoise as a stunner. I saw Venetian Glass in person for the first time.  On a Venice excursion I was stopped in my tracks and inspired by the product’s boldness and balance of design and strength of color.  That was actually my reaction to the whole city of Venice. So let’s say this whole Murano glass business is embedded there. Let’s call it falling in love with every piece of the adventure.

Can I sell my love to you? Our commitment is to feature quality over quantity and uniqueness over uniformity.  We stay true to my original vision – to offer the great power of individual artistic beauty.  Quality is an investment over time.  Therefore, we commit our resources to developing our market and getting to know discerning needs of our customer, our niche! If you are reading this, you are not of the masses out there. You are a persnickety few (and that is a good thing).  You recognize the Murano chemistry, really not produced anywhere else.

We’d love your comments, questions and feedback! 



Dreamy Venice imported Venetian glass oversize ring


