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Celebrate Your Valentine – We’ll Convince You

Make Your Love a Valentine Event

Is it really corny or schmaltzy or too commonplace to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Well, we don’t think so, but then again, we’re selling jewelry. Or more specifically, we’re selling making you feel your best. Valentine’s Day is the day your partner, special friend, significant other, casual other, mom or daughter would appreciate a gesture of love – a moment to feel one’s best. And as stated, making one feel at one’s best is what we’re about.

Do you know a favorite color? A favorite style? Pendant necklace or 18 inch? Shop our very unique collection of Murano glass jewelry. Our inventory is inspired by love {made in Italy) and expression (great Italian color and design). Therefore, Valentine’s Day is more or less a natural fit for us and one we hope to inspire you to celebrate. We offer remarkable, unique looks. We love the pride our artisans take in their work and love to share with you! Use code amore23 when you shop our Valentine’s Sale Category for 25% off regular price. Shop Small for Valentine’s Day.

Striking cobalt blue and gold Murano glass necklace, earring and bracelet set
Cobalt blue and gold Murano glass necklace, earring and bracelet set
Murano gold and black drop earrings on studs in gift box

Artisan Murano glass jewelry in statement or subtle options. For the fashionista or the more conservative type. Use code amore23 for 25% discount on our Valentine Sale category. And free shipping always!

Your turn to make someone feel their best on Valentine’s Day. We can offer great help there! Shop or contact us for any questions and thanks for taking a look today.

Mille grazie!

Buon San Valentino!

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Links We Like (a lot)

print ad for Dreamy Venice Authentic Murano Jewelry

Our Mission Calls

Summer is nearing its inevitable end.  Slightly anesthetized by its heat and languid days, I wonder how off course I am from my summer goals.  Hmmmm. (Though my favorite goal would be to lie on a beach any afternoon of the week, that will not achieve my end.)  So, am I totally off course after a hot summer spell or somewhat closer to the mark?  We are working on the most critical element in growing currently –  it is connecting and it is the hardest!  This season we will be doing more connecting with supportive businesses in our community. As we get more and more of a sense of how we can offer our product in terms of fashion, art and services, we will be reaching out to more of our business and non-profit communities.  We have a magical product – very colorful, fun and sexy. We will  interface with as many new environments as we can to demonstrate the many dimensions of Dreamy Venice.  Our latest additions of new environments is Studio 460 Gallery and The Pink Parasol Boutique in Wickford, Rhode Island.  See their links below and pay them a visit.

Our Linkers

In that pursuit, we are happy to announce our new website page, Links We Like. promoting in our small way a number of  businesses which have been encouraging or collaborating with Dreamy Venice efforts in moving forward.  And if you do have a business and want to connect, we would love to hear from you. We are aiming to reach many different types of industries to expand our reach – BIG summer goal, so whatever your industry is, connecting digitally or face to face is totally invited. Use the contact form to reach us –  we invite your ideas, suggestions, questions, comments. Do you have an idea for a collaboration, a private sale, a sale for your charity, a speaker about the ancient Venetian glass industry, fashion jewelry in general or touring Venice for your group? Let us know!

Larisa DesignsPink Parasol BoutiqueGallery ZDiamonds in the LibraryStudio 460 GalleryProvidence MonthlyAlignable yulijik talamuir nuance